Wszyscy jestesmy Chrystusami 2006


Son's painful memories of his father's lifelong alcohol addiction turn to be traumatic for both of them. These memories make them realise the booze inheritance in their family. Will they get out of this vicious circle?

All Titles
  • PL: Wszyscy jestesmy Chrystusami Wszyscy jestesmy Chrystusami
  • HU: Mindannyian Krisztusok vagyunk Mindannyian Krisztusok vagyunk
  • RO: Toti suntem Hristos Toti suntem Hristos
  • RU: Мы все Христы Мы все Христы
  • PL: We're All Christs We're All Christs
Released 21 Apr 2006
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