Undue Influence 1996


Lawyer Paul Madriani becomes embroiled in his most baffling case at a most difficult time. His wife Nikki has died of cancer, and he's caring for his daughter Sarah while negotiating a custody settlement between his sister-in-law ...

All Titles
  • US: Undue Influence Undue Influence
  • BR: Pistas Ocultas Pistas Ocultas
  • FR: Abus d'influence Abus d'influence
  • DE: Skrupellos verführt - Die Unschuld des Mörders Skrupellos verführt - Die Unschuld des Mörders
  • HU: Steve Martini: Túlzott befolyás Steve Martini: Túlzott befolyás
  • IO: Undue Influence Undue Influence
  • PL: Formy nacisku Formy nacisku
  • ES: Excesiva influencia Excesiva influencia
  • SE: Kärlekens maktspel Kärlekens maktspel
  • US: Steve Martini's Undue Influence Steve Martini's Undue Influence
  • US: Undue Influence Undue Influence
Released 15 Sep 1996
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