Ein großer graublauer Vogel 1970

Crime Sci-Fi Thriller

The poet Tom-X meets the vagrant and former scientist Belotti, who has developed the formula with four colleagues. According to Belotti, he is encoded in a poem of which he only knows a single verse.

All Titles
  • DE: Ein großer graublauer Vogel Ein großer graublauer Vogel
  • CA: A Big Grey-Blue Bird A Big Grey-Blue Bird
  • IT: Un grosso uccello grigio azzurro Un grosso uccello grigio azzurro
  • PT: Um Grande Pássaro Cinza-Azul Um Grande Pássaro Cinza-Azul
  • DE: Bottom Bottom
  • DE: Ein großer graublauer Vogel Ein großer graublauer Vogel
  • DE: A Big Grey-Blue Bird A Big Grey-Blue Bird
Released 01 Jun 1970
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