Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon 2005

Comedy Horror Thriller

The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he plans his reign of terror over the sleepy town of Glen Echo.

All Titles
  • US: Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
  • BA: Iza maske: Uspon Leslija Vernona Iza maske: Uspon Leslija Vernona
  • BR: Por Trás da Máscara: O Surgimento de Leslie Vernon Por Trás da Máscara: O Surgimento de Leslie Vernon
  • DE: Behind the Mask Behind the Mask
  • GR: Horis prosopo Horis prosopo
  • IT: Behind the Mask - Vita di un Serial Killer Behind the Mask - Vita di un Serial Killer
  • NO: Behind the mask Behind the mask
  • PT: A Máscara do Terror A Máscara do Terror
  • RO: În spatele mastii: Ascensiunea lui Leslie Vernon În spatele mastii: Ascensiunea lui Leslie Vernon
  • RU: Под маской: Bосхождение Лесли Bернона Под маской: Bосхождение Лесли Bернона
  • ES: Detrás de la máscara: el encumbramiento de Leslie Vernon Detrás de la máscara: el encumbramiento de Leslie Vernon
Released 13 Oct 2006
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